ULife Marketing and Communications

Campus Channels

Communicating Across Campus

Advertising through Campus Technology

Reach out to these campus contacts/ groups to ask for assistance promoting your programs, events and more!

The marquee sign on Braddock Road is available for ads sponsored by Mason departments and student organizations. Campus departments and student organizations must submit requests directly.

All events must be open to everyone and meet the criteria detailed on the
Braddock Road Marquee website. Email marquee@gmu.edu if you have any questions.

Campus Newsletter Submission

Communicate through the Office of University Branding

 Email Listservs

There are many campus partners and groups who can aid you in your communicate efforts. View the list below for contacts you may want to reach out to request support form.

Engagement Platforms

How can faculty/staff use Mason360?

Mason360 is George Mason’s Official student engagement platform that also gives faculty/staff the ability to:

  • Manage their department/office’s group page to connect and engage with students
  • Create, publish, and promote upcoming events
  • Track attendee data with the attendance tracking feature
  • Send out communications to the group via email or group feeds to help members stay informed
  • Utilize additional features including tracks and checklists, badges, tags, files, website, service hours, connections program, etc.

Faculty/Staff Things You Should Know

  • You will need an existing/active account to access Mason360
  • All new UL faculty/staff must request access using the Faculty/Staff Account Access Request Form
  • Creating events using Mason360 requires “officer” access to your department/office’s group page
  • Faculty/staff can request a new group on Mason360 by submitting a new group request 
  • You are welcome to join and engage with the Mason360 Officer Community (student and faculty/staff who are group officers) to learn more about upcoming training and to access Mason360 resources
    • Our calendars share events at Mason. View an overall calendar or sort by audience or location using the selection options. Whether you’re looking for a specific event or browsing for something fun to do, it’s all here.

      For information on getting your event posted via 25Live, visit the Office of University Events’ website.

Around Mason Announcement Submission

Around Mason is a weekly digest of faculty/staff announcements included in The George. Use this form to submit your department’s announcement for inclusion in Around Mason. Announcements must be submitted by the close of business on Wednesday for inclusion in the following Tuesday’s edition.


Mail Services

  • Student Mailboxes: 7,000 available, current is 6800 (however number climbing after Covid) 
  • Departmental Mailboxes: 350 
  • Faculty/Staff Members: 4,000 

 Note: When dropping off materials to Mail Services, note which group from above is for distribution. 


The expectation is, that at a minimum, the signature office and division events/services, timely information will be: 

      • Proofread by several sets of eyes prior to printing/posting and always include approved George Mason University and University life graphic representations. 
      • Distributed via Mail Services to every mason department, 1 month prior to event(s), approximately 350 mail Stops via mail Services. See number data above. 
      • To see or post an organization page: events.gmu.edu or gmu.edu/calendar 


Information on buying ad space in the IVth Estate, Mason’s student-run digital newsletter.

Colleen Kearney Rich, ckearney@gmu.edu  

Information on buying advertising on WGMU Radio.

Out of the Box Options on Campus

  1. Log on to Blackboard
  2. Click “Organizations” link on the left side-menu
  3. Click “UL”
  4. Click “George Mason Statue Decorating?” link on the left side-menu
  • The paint cart is stored in the Student Involvement office and will be available for use during SI office hours. The cart must be returned before the office closes.
  • No reservation policy: first-come-first-served for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and Mason units.
  • Walls can be painted over after the event it is advertising has passed.

Print Advertising

Follow Housing’s policies and guidelines to distribute flyers in residence halls.

Reference the Student Center’s policies and guidelines for posting flyers in Student Center buildings. 

Social Media

Student Centers

Explore the different marketing and communications opportunities available through George Mason’s Student Centers, including print and digital options within The HUB, The JC, and SUB I. Options include: Flyer boards, snap frames, outdoor freestanding displays, digital signage, kiosk, banners, and more!

Visit them online here: studentcenters.gmu.edu/all-advertising/